TPC-DS And The Yellowbrick Query Optimizer (TPC-DS Q03)

5 Min Read

TPC-DS Q02, which we covered in our previous post, presented us a new set of challenges that stressed the Yellowbrick optimizer. In this post, we’ll look at TPC-DS Query 3 (Q03), which seemingly gives us a break from the usual complexity:

    , item.i_brand_id         brand_id
    , item.i_brand            brand
    , SUM(ss_ext_sales_price) sum_agg
FROM date_dim dt
INNER JOIN store_sales ON dt.d_date_sk = store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk
INNER JOIN item ON store_sales.ss_item_sk = item.i_item_sk
WHERE item.i_manufact_id = 436
  AND dt.d_moy = 12
GROUP BY dt.d_year, item.i_brand, item.i_brand_id
ORDER BY dt.d_year, sum_agg DESC, brand_id

At first glance, nothing seems difficult about this vanilla star-join query with two simple filters (on i_manufact_id and d_moy). But nothing is ever that easy with TPC-DS!

Before we dive in, let’s establish some conventions to help us be concise in our reasoning:

  • A join between two tables (say: foo and bar) is written (foo * bar).
  • The cardinality of a table or column is nominated ||and ||, respectively. For example, there are 73,049 rows in date_dim, so |date_dim|= 73049.
  • We will use the function nd() to denominate the number of distinct/unique values in an expression. For example: There are 12 distinct months in date_dim, so nd(d_moy) = 12
  • Subscripting a column name nominates a filter on that table. For example: d_date_sk(d_year = 2000)is the set of d_date_sk after filtering by d_year = 2000. We can now express things such as this truth: nd(d_date_sk(d_year = 2000)) = 366. And we can speak about the ratio of distinct values to total cardinality, as in:
    • |d_month(d_year = 2000)| = 366
    • nd(d_month(d_year = 2000)) = 12
Estimating d_moy = 12 and the (date_dim * store_sales) join

Consider this join:

     FROM date_dim dt INNER JOIN store_sales ON dt.d_date_sk = store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk AND dt.d_moy = 12

Recall that in our installment about Q01, we learned that date_dim contains a hidden trap: The number of primary key values is higher than number of foreign keys in the fact table (by about 40x). Because of this, selectivity is best estimated by dividing the number of selected rows from date_dim by the number of distinct values in the fact table. In Q01, we were joining with store_returns. For Q03, we join to store_sales instead, but the principle remains the same.

Using the Q01 estimation method and practicing the new notation, we get

|store_sales date_dim| = | |d_date_sk(d_moy = 12)| / nd(ss_sold_date_sk) |store_sales|

From simple statistics, it is easy to see that

  • |d_date_sk(d_moy = 12)| = 6200
  • nd(ss_sold_date_sk) = 1800


|store_sales date_dim| ≈ 6200 / 1800 ≈ 3.4 |store_sales|

Obviously, this estimate is completely off. It would indicate that the join increases the number or rows. The issue here is that we selected more rows from date_dim than we have distinct rows in ss_store_sales_sk on the matching join key.

So, we must refine our reasoning from Q01 as follows: If the number of selected distinct values from d_date_sk is higher than the number of distinct values of ss_sold_date_sk, then it must be the case that the filter is operating on the non-overlapping set of keys that join the two tables. Hence, we should assume that the join yields a filter selectivity that is more in line with the selectivity of date_dim.

Using this line of reasoning, we instead estimate

|store_sales date_dim| = |d_date_sk(d_moy = 12)| / nd(d_date_sk) |store_sales|

This turns out to be very close to the real value.

JOIN order

Using the extended algorithm for date_dim estimation, we can now establish the correct join order:

  • Join store_sales to item, harvesting the filter on i_manufact_id = 436
  • Then, join to date_dim, taking the filter on d_moy = 12
  • Finally, aggregate the results.

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