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The world’s top banks, insurers, retailers, telecoms, media companies, and more count on Yellowbrick for faster time-to-insight, helping them innovate and thrive.
Elevates AI-Powered Customer Experience AutomationTM.
Dramatically Improves Accuracy with Split-Second Fraud Detection.
Ensure sensitive data never leaves their cloud with Yellowbrick.
Replaces AWS Redshift to Accelerate Data Analytics Services.
How Y Corp, formerly Vitrifi Digital, Leverages Yellowbrick to Revolutionize Telco-as-a-Service and Data Sharing
Faster, more accurate reports & queries to get richer insights to customers more quickly.
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Chief Technology Officer
Mark Cusack is the CTO at Yellowbrick. Mark has worked in the data warehousing and advanced analytics space for the past 20 years.
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